My apologies. I'm going to go a bit more slowly.
What, then, would the Government of Canada do? The Government of Canada, through Health Canada and PHAC, would work with the institutions, or with the organizations or with doctors who are interested in supporting the safer supply model. It tells them what they would need in order to do this work. They would need, for example, office space, three nurse practitioners, a doctor, some pamphlets, etc. Then, they would enter into an agreement with them that they would provide safe supply within the guidelines that have been defined and agreed on. Doctors would then start doing that, and the funding for that would come from the Government of Canada through PHAC.
Do doctors actually purchase any types of drugs or any type of medication in a huge volume? The answer, to the best of my knowledge, is no. The doctors would then look at probably a very small size if they needed support for an emergency basis at the site. However, they would not have the capability or the safeguarding mechanism needed to be able to store any types of drugs at that volume.
They would have a very small supply that they would be able to use on an emergency basis, so they would actually just prescribe.... They would do all the wraparound services around getting the patients into prevention, getting them their wraparound social services, housing and all that stuff so that the whole network works. Then, they would write the prescription to a pharmacy that has agreed to provide those types of medications that are what we call “safe supply” medications. It is the pharmacy that actually enters into a contract with whoever the manufacturer is, who the source of the supply is.
The Government of Canada, at no point, looks at forming a contractual agreement to buy safe supply for any jurisdiction or for any type of organization.
Now, we get into the jurisdiction. There is jurisdiction by jurisdiction. In the example of Quebec, it actually does not follow that process. Quebec basically says to the Government of Canada that the government would allocate, let's say, x millions of dollars for safe supply. Another problem would be to transfer it to Quebec, and the province would decide which organization, which entity it works with. I believe, at that point, they would follow the same thing.
For us to force the Province of Quebec to come in and release any type of document would be stepping into their jurisdiction. If we went to the other provinces and asked if they have any contracts, they would say that we're stepping into their jurisdiction because health care delivery is the provinces' responsibility.
I understand why there is a need for us to get a better understanding of where these drugs are coming from, but that does not have anything to do with the contracts the Government of Canada is signing, because to the best of my knowledge, the Government of Canada, through PHAC, does not sign any contract with any manufacturer for bulk purchase or distribution of these safe supplies to any jurisdiction or to any organization that's doing this. When you look at it, there is a disparity between the provinces, the jurisdictions, as well as the government's non-involvement.
If we want to have a study done on how the pharmacies or the safe supply sites procure, if they do the safe supply, that's a completely different study, and that's a completely different production of documents.
The genesis of this motion is the production of documents, in both official languages, within three weeks of something that's non-existent. We would be sending the department back to look, for hours and hours, for things that may not exist and then to potentially come back and tell us that the federal government does not engage in the procurement of safe supply, directly or indirectly.
What would happen? This would add to the already overburdened and overtaxed department, because we would be requesting the production of documents right, left and centre. I don't think this production of documents and this motion would give us the outcome we are hoping to get.
I don't think this is a motion that we should move forward with. I think we should go back and say that our objective is to get an understanding of the source of safe supply and how it's being procured, which is different from saying, “Give us all the contracts.”
Thank you.