Thank you very much for your question.
We've implemented new tools.
One example is an electronic signature solution. Within this audit, there were 19 different issues of non-compliance with the Financial Administration Act. The inception of this new tool will mitigate the majority of those risks. It puts a check verification within the system so that an employee wouldn't be able to inadvertently sign an invoice over their delegated authority limits or against a fund centre that didn't belong to them. As I mentioned, by putting in this new tool and some of the other tools, including increased training and measures on awareness, we were able to mitigate a lot of risks.
If we think about our payment process within the department, we use a risk-based approach and do post-payment verification on all low-risk transactions. For these transactions, if we were to look at our compliance rate over the last two years, we would find that the majority are now compliant. Our non-compliance rate went from 9% to 3%, and we are quite proud of those results.