As I mentioned earlier, I think one of our challenges has not necessarily been with the tools that one would typically think of in response to procurement, but it's in information management, given the fact that we're dispersed around the globe. Investments in that area certainly will help with a lot of the issues in document storage and whatnot.
To speak to some of the other systems improvements that we made, they require an investment of both time and resources, but the benefits certainly make those endeavours worth it. I know I've mentioned this a couple of times, but if I think about our electronic signature solution in particular, just having it in place means that we have fewer resources involved in the process from a manual perspective. It not only takes away that risk, but also frees up resources that we have within the department in order to concentrate on other areas. Then we can rest assured that those transactions will be fine and move our attention to other areas of higher risk.
I think the CFO community is very seized with the issues that are currently taking place in the realm of procurement. Looking at ways that we, as a community, can tighten up the controls from a systems perspective would be very appreciated. Then we can ensure the fairness of the process and continue to be open and transparent.