Good afternoon, everyone.
I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 125 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, which even Minister Duclos recognizes as the mighty OGGO, the only committee that matters.
Very quickly, regarding your earpieces, as always, please keep them away from the microphones, especially when not in use. There is a card provided for every MP. Please read that and follow along in order to protect our very valued interpreters.
Colleagues, today we have Minister Duclos with us. We'll go through our rounds, and then we will welcome the other minister. Canada Post will be with us for the last hour and a half or hour and 45 minutes, and then we have to get to the estimates votes before we finish up. I'm hoping we can get to the estimates votes at about 8:10. We'll see where we are in the rounds.
We'll start with Minister Duclos for five minutes.
Welcome back, Minister. The floor is yours.