In the process of doing that, files were accidentally—accidentally—damaged and that has led to a situation in which it's hard to find these records.
According to this IT employee who spoke to The Globe and Mail, the fact that you didn't engage the proper IT professionals for this is extremely unusual. It's outside the proper protocol. You contacted an individual IT employee directly at one point instead of going through the proper process.
I mean, how are we to find you credible, sir? I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but how are we to find your testimony credible, given how central missing records are to this whole story, that you, one of the central figures in this story, undertook to go outside the normal protocol to manipulate things on your computer on your own and, in the process, files were corrupted and disappeared?
How are we to believe credibly that, oh, you were just trying to save the folks in IT some time as a senior manager, and, oh, something just happened to go wrong?