Yes, I do from time to time.
I think it really depends on the purpose of the contract. For example, in this case, we're talking about contracts that were for benchmarking, or to support a transformation. Sometimes it was to obtain professional advice. So it's difficult to assess. It's not like creating an application, as this type of work is very tangible.
In the case we're talking about, it was often a case of getting expert advice. In such cases, it's sometimes difficult to know whether the deliverables have actually been received.
In my opinion, there are some basic elements that should have been respected. A good way to start would be to ask yourself what the need is that you're trying to fill. Almost half of the contracts we looked at didn't have the documentation related to this question.
There should be an assessment or estimate of costs in advance to ensure that the budget is available. In 91% of the contracts we evaluated, this assessment or estimate did not exist. These are basic elements. At the end of the day, we found that for almost 20% of the contracts we evaluated, we had no way of knowing whether the deliverables had actually been received. As a result, I have a lot of questions. I think the problem starts right at the beginning.