Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Everyone around this table takes this issue incredibly seriously. We asked the Auditor General to come here and to provide testimony today of her exceptional work. We're very grateful for the work that she and her team brought forward. This is obviously a serious issue.
We absolutely want to strengthen accountability for our public service and our public officials in their day-to-day work, to see compliance with procurement rules strengthened and to see improvements made to quality control in the work that our public servants do. We want to see, above all—which is something, again, a common theme we see.... Whether it's the Auditor General's or the procurement ombudsman's report, the thread that has connected all of those investigations and analyses is that we need to drastically improve documentation: “Documentation, documentation, documentation,” is the thread and the theme that, really, is being repeated over and over throughout these analyses.
However, what we heard today loud and clear from the Auditor General is that 99% of the contracts that were studied had no political involvement whatsoever. There were 97 contracts that the Auditor General looked at. We asked the Auditor General point-blank, “Out of the 97 contracts, how many had political involvement?” The Auditor General clearly stated that there was only one out of 97 that had ministerial involvement, because the contract in that case met a certain threshold such that it was required. Ninety-nine per cent had no political involvement, which means no ministers, members of Parliament or elected officials were involved. This is an issue within the unelected public service and the public sector.
Again, compliance with procurement rules, improving quality control and documentation, these are the tasks eternal for the public service. This is an ongoing eternal task, not only for every public servant in Canada, but this is the challenge and struggle that every public service in the world faces.
The question before us is, what can we do? How do we help our public servants be the best they possibly can be and deliver the best service they possibly can? How do they maintain the rigour that is required of their work? How do they maintain the highest professionalism? That's the fundamental question. It's not a question of politics. It's a question of professionalism—public service professionalism. How do we help our public servants make sure they meet and exceed the highest level of public service professionalism? That's what this is about, and this is what this conversation is about.
Now, my experience working alongside public servants is that they are incredibly dedicated people...the highest professionalism. They are dedicated. They are professional. They take their work extremely seriously. They take the integrity of their work and their office extremely seriously. We saw that especially during the trying times of COVID and the pandemic. These are unheralded heroes who often worked behind the scenes, out of the limelight, for long hours and long weekends to help get this country through the pandemic and COVID. These are exceptional professionals, and the question before us is, again, how do we help them?
How do we help our public servants, our unelected public officials, maintain the highest vigour and rigour of the highest standards of professionalism? That's what this is about. This is what we heard the Auditor General say over and over: that there was no malfeasance. There was no type of untoward motivation, but there were gaps. There were gaps in the systems that do absolutely need to be addressed, because, again, we heard today as well that the federal government procures billions—tens of billions—of dollars of goods and services every single year, hundreds of thousands of contracts...I think I heard it's 400,000 contracts every year.
It is important—it is critical—that we have the proper airtight systems in place to make sure that Canadians are getting the best value for money, that every dollar is spent wisely. At the same time, we need that proper documentation to be able to show our work, to be able to show the work of our public servants, I should say, so that when there are mistakes that are made, we can learn from them and also, so that we can—again—take the necessary lessons from them and learn best practices from them. That's absolutely important.
Value for money is absolutely critical, but we also know for sure that in those instances where someone does do something that's untoward, we can hold them accountable. We can hold them accountable, and that is something that is absolutely critical, but we heard loud and clear today from the Auditor General.... It couldn't be more clear. The Auditor General looked at 97 contracts within 10 departments and within 10 Crown agencies and found that, out of the 97 contracts, there was zero involvement from elected officials, zero involvement from ministers, from members of Parliament, from elected officials...except for one. Ninety-eight point nine per cent—99%—of contracts that they looked at had zero ministerial or political interference, so this was an issue...this is an issue that is within our public service, and we need to find out how we help our public service to be the best version of themselves that they possibly absolutely can be.
What we heard today, on top of all that—the Auditor General was absolutely clear—is that the rules already exist. The rules already exist. The framework of accountability and the framework of rules and systems already exist. This is what we heard, but what needs to change is that the departments need to make sure...the deputy ministers, the unelected officials, need to make sure the rules are being followed. We heard today that there are varying degrees of compliance with those rules. Some departments are better than others. We need to make sure. How do we follow the leaders and not the laggards? How do we make sure that the best practices are adhered to by every public official and every department?
We heard that Natural Resources is a department that had a clean sheet, a clean bill of health, from the Auditor General. What do they do that's different and that other departments and Crown agencies need to emulate to make sure they're doing the right things? This is important, but that change, that culture change, is the responsibility of the unelected public service, and bringing that to bear is absolutely important. It is something that is important to us as elected officials to make sure there is accountability in that system, but as the Auditor General said, the rules exist. The accountability framework exists. It's a matter of departments and Crown agencies following those rules, which is what is important.
In this conversation, we also learned about the complexity that public servants have to deal with and about the need to balance.... Again, it's not about creating more red tape. We're doing a red tape reduction study in this committee. It's not about creating more rules or more red tape. It is about balancing the need for accountability 100%, but balancing that with the need for efficiency to make sure that decisions can be made in a manner that is responsible and accountable but also efficient so that the work of government can continue and Canadians can receive the service they require.
That's where we should be taking this next step as a committee. We heard it loud and clear. The Auditor General pointed us in the right direction, which is the need to speak with officials, the need to for us to work with officials and with public servants to find out how we can help them do their work. That's something that is important.
We asked the Auditor General what was driving this behaviour. Why are unelected public servants taking these shortcuts—not providing the proper documentation, not providing the proper quality control and not following the proper procurement rules? The Auditor General stated that it's likely related to to public servants either not understanding the rules fully—perhaps being overwhelmed by the complexity and the sheer number of all the rules—or, again, it's simply that those rules need to be reinforced, repeated and ingrained in the culture of those particular public servants.
That's what we heard in the testimony today. We had some great questions that were asked around the table. I'd be curious to find out how we can deploy technology, perhaps, to help the public service. I'm thinking of, for example, AI, which is able to deal with complex systems and complex situations to help public servants make sure that they're referring to a checklist of things, items that need to be conducted for every procurement, no matter how small or how large. We asked questions about why some public officials go back to the same well, go back to the same companies. What are some of the risks we open the door to when we have these chains of non-competitive contracts? That elevates, obviously, the risk element for those types of decisions.
It seems like sometimes public servants simply get into a rhythm—I don't know if that's even the word for it—or a habit. They go back to the same companies time and again. How do we challenge that? As the overseer of the procurement process, how does PSPC deploy its challenge function? This is something we also heard today.
We know that the departments are ultimately responsible. We know that the officials are ultimately responsible for making those decisions, and we know that public servants make those decisions within those departments, but how does PSPC utilize its challenge function to effectively put a brake on a particular procurement that it finds troubling and to basically say, “No, no, go back to the drawing board, IRCC” or “Go back to the drawing board, CBSA, you need to do this. You haven't fulfilled tasks A, B and C.” That's another question. How do we strengthen the oversight role of PSPC but do that without grinding the work of government to a standstill? I think that's the critical element here.
We're trying to balance the need for accountability, the need for having checks and balances, and the need for efficiency to not slow down the process of government, because, again, the decisions that are being made here impact Canadians, whether in terms of procuring PPE, procuring vaccines during COVID, procuring infrastructure investments to strengthen infrastructure, or making sure that benefits delivery modernization is moving forward so that Canadians and seniors can get their OAS paycheques and their GIS, so students can get their student loans, and so on and so forth. Canadians depend on a well-functioning government.
How do we balance that need for accountability with making sure that we're not adding unnecessary red tape? The Auditor General had an answer to that as well: We don't need new rules. What we need is for unelected officials, for public servants, to follow the rules that currently exist. That is something that is absolutely critical.
I'm looking at this motion that is here before us and I just had a chance now to really read through it. The member calls for folks that the Auditor General has already stated have absolutely nothing to do with the issue of these contracts, including Dominic Barton—my goodness. Everything the Auditor General, everything the Procurement Ombud and everything every other agency that has looked at this has said is that this is not about politics. This is not about partisanship. This is not about any type of friendships. This is simply about public servants, unelected public servants, not following the proper rules to the full extent. That is what this is about.
To call the President of the Treasury Board, a minister, and to call the minister of public services here when we have heard time and again today that 96 out of the 97 contracts had absolutely zero political involvement whatsoever—this is what we're talking about here.
I would rather that we as a committee take the next steps, be logical about this and avoid trying to create what I would say is a circus around this. We should do the work of this committee, and the next steps should be more focused and more surgical about what the next step in the work of this committee is. I think that's what's important here and that's what I'm interested in doing.
We absolutely want to strengthen the processes of our unelected public officials here. We absolutely want to strengthen compliance with procurement rules. We want to improve quality control. We want to improve documentation. That really is the gap. When you read all of the reports of the Procurement Ombud and the Auditor General, that is what they are saying, that we need to strengthen documentation, improve the culture of documentation and show our work. That is what we do. Again, this is something that needs to be improved.
This is what the Auditor General in her work and her team's work—which, again, we applaud, she has really done us a tremendous service here, raising this issue and shining a light on this issue—has pointed to as the issue, and as the road or the path to improving the accountability in our public service.
With that, I will yield the floor and happily circle back again to continue discussion on this important issue.