I think what we've done in the past couple of years here—and I know you've had Mr. Perry discuss this as well to some degree—there has been a significant push to increase the procurement workforce, and we've accelerated a significant number of individuals. Basically, we've promoted them.
I would look to the United States and also the United Kingdom, and utilize some of their educational institutions. The United States has the Defense Acquisition University. There are various courses within the United Kingdom that can help us accelerate the development of that knowledge.
I would suggest maybe looking at the Canadian Forces College or other areas and developing an institution that has the expertise to teach individuals within our government to better operate within this environment and really evolve that. If you look at other countries, they have people who move up the system who have decades of experience in how to undertake procurement. They have MBAs and whatnot that give them real management knowledge and capacity. We don't really have a similar situation in Canada, and I think that really hurts us.