Reviewing it, I was just going to suggest that the language of the motion envisions that the subcommittee would meet at times when the House is not meeting. I suggest we make an exception to that, at least to allow us to have the organizing meeting take place before the end of this week, and we can decide how we want to proceed at that point. Rather than having an organizing committee meeting take place in the summer, I think it would maybe make more sense to authorize that to happen this week while we're all here anyway. I don't think there will be that much happening towards the end of the week anyway.
I'll just say, from my perspective, having looked at the documents and the lack of documents, that there is a real need for us to dig into this. We received virtually no information around subcontractors. There have been some more stories that came out—a piece in La Presse at the end of last week—and more concerns about essentially how it looks like some folks are gaming the system, and benefits that are supposed to be flowing to indigenous communities are rather being taken up by a small number of Ottawa-based actors under circumstances that certainly, to put it charitably, merit further investigation.
My proposal is that we do that initial organizing meeting, let's say, Thursday or Friday, which I think we would have to agree to since it's a notwithstanding of the existing motion.