That's key to clarify. I know you know that, but I just want to make sure I am being clear.
How can something like GC Strategies...? I agree that, with all the information we've learned, it's surprising...well, not surprising, but it's shocking and concerning. I think part of it is just that we don't have that strong culture internally of scrutinizing value for money when it comes to these contracts, and we're habituated to simply trust that the firms winning the contracts are going to deliver.
The Auditor General, in the case of ArriveCAN in particular, also just highlighted basic breaches of responsible public service. Is that not right? I think there's also that piece. I will say that, in interviews that I've done across a whole range of countries that are really leading in digital transformation, they are not worried about their relationship with vendors. They always say, “We manage that because we have good internal rules, good organizational hygiene and sufficient IT expertise to hold them to account,” so they would never fall for a GC Strategies-type scam because they put those conditions in place. They also, really, always emphasize that these things happen in a culture of strong ethics and values.