We're certainly trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube after unanimously agreeing to something different from what's now being discussed. We need to have an understanding here.
Do we have people who are joining this committee from other parts of the country, or do we not? We do. It's 2024 and it's very easy to do remote viewing. For members who are going to have to schedule an appointment with the clerk to view this document, they should be able to do that from their secure House of Commons devices where the clerk, or the clerk acting in her place, can display it on her screen and share that screen with members. That technology exists within the enterprise solutions the House of Commons uses.
It's not 1995; we don't need to walk over to the clerk's office and read what got faxed over to her. It's going to get emailed to the clerk, so if members are worried about phishing, it's been emailed all around government email addresses and it's going to be emailed to the clerk. If it's only members of Parliament who can't be trusted, it seems that I have a lot more confidence in my colleagues than other members do.
However, it is what you said. You said you were worried about its being phished, so if that's the concern, then we could go back to just having documents hand-carried and not having them emailed. However, the document is going to be transmitted electronically, so it's going to be sent—and it has been—to the clerk. That's been done.
We should be able to view it. There are members in a variety of circumstances who have been permitted to join electronically. I won't enumerate what those reasons are. They should also be able to access this document from where they've been able to access this meeting. That technology exists, so we can let this go, even though it's absurd. If we can enable members to access the document remotely through the clerk, simultaneously, then I think that satisfies all of the concerns, although I don't agree with the arguments that have been posed. This would allow all members to see the documents from wherever they were joining the meeting from.