Mr. Clark, it's very hard for me to believe this. It's very hard for this committee to do this. Let's stop the lying.
I'm going to go to another timeline that is just not very supportive of your testimony that you have not had these conversations with the Prime Minister.
There is an email, internal to Global Affairs Canada, stating your involvement, outlining your involvement. That was sent on June 17 of this year. All of a sudden, in the media—which I know is your friend—a story breaks on July 11 of the $9-million condo purchase. Then this email, this internal email, is sent on July 25, which shows that you personally green-lighted this project. Lo and behold, this July 25...or correcting it. Pardon me. It was correcting it on July 25, further to the July 11 email that highlighted your green-lighting. This July 25 email, lo and behold, is one day after the committee passed the motion demanding your appearance.
Again, this is another timeline that is very damning to your evidence, to your testimony here today, Mr. Clark. Why don't we just stop the lying?
When did you have a conversation with the Prime Minister about the necessity for a new residence? Just tell the committee, please.