Well, I don't have a clear example of that.
It's important to always remember that Canada and Australia are the two countries that have the highest percentage of their citizens living in major urban areas rather than small towns or rural communities. We have a big tendency in Canada, because of that, to forget about the needs of rural citizens—small-town Canada and farm Canada. All of those areas are often forgotten.
That's why postal banking, to me, is a crucial element, particularly in a time when the major banks and credit unions—I worked for the Canadian Cooperative Association in the past, so I was close to credit unions—have both shut down many branches. This is not helpful. Those branches are shut down. Shutting them down is done primarily in small towns and rural communities. That's where the effect of this is the most severe. We have to reverse that. With post offices, we have the locations, the staff and the opportunity to develop postal banking without the kind of massive investment where we have to find a bunch of locations. We have locations. We have staff. We can move forward in that degree much faster than in a lot of other new government policies.