I fully understand that Canada Post is an entity at arm’s length from the government.
That said, the government implements legislation. If we can’t ask the minister how the Official Languages Act applies to businesses under federal jurisdiction, in compliance with the status of French in Quebec, then what good is this legislation to francophones in Quebec and the rest of Canada? What good is the Official Languages Act if, at the end of the day, no one can tell a company under federal jurisdiction that it must comply with it?
It is important for the minister to come and talk to us about this legislation, explain how it applies to companies under federal jurisdiction, and tell us how it can protect Quebec’s workers and citizens, while respecting the status of French in Quebec.
Later, when the time comes to do our analysis, we’ll be able to make the connection between both aspects and make some suggestions.
If you tell me that the minister can’t talk about the Official Languages Act and how it applies to companies under federal jurisdiction on the grounds that they are at arms’ length from the government, that’s like telling me that the act serves absolutely no purpose and protects no one.
That’s why I want to hear what the minister has to say. I want to listen to him to get a clear and complete analysis.
I hope my intention is clearer now. The aim is really to hear the minister talk about the Official Languages Act and how it applies to companies under federal jurisdiction.