Yes. Thank you, Mr. Johns.
I think this is one of the key areas where there are some best practices amongst our allies and our friends that we could learn from. Your question goes right to the heart of the distribution and, ultimately, I would suggest, the dilution of authority and accountability as it relates to procurement in general, especially when we're talking about these larger complex programs.
In my experience, and certainly from my observation since I've retired, despite the statements and attempts to tighten things up, at the end of the day the results are not necessarily any better despite the rhetoric. I think this is an area where Canada could learn. I think there is a real opportunity for a more unified and simplified approach to procurement.
Ultimately, if we did it right, if we really put our minds to it, we could make a big difference. As I said earlier, that would both help the end-users get the equipment they need quickly and ultimately also address the issue of accountability to the taxpayer.