Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank Professor Choi for his comments and his skill and understanding of what we need to do with our surface combatants.
You talked about the PBO report. Everything is done on a wait basis. Based upon that report, there have been some people who have described our CSC as just a fat frigate.
Can you talk more about what weapon systems we need on there. You mentioned the F-35s, and how the reach and capabilities of our surface combatants and the air systems that we will have in place with F-35s are going to be enhanced. More importantly, a lot of people are getting very concerned about the overall costing and where we're at as everything continues to escalate. We still haven't cut steel for even the first surface combatant.
How do we get ships in the water quicker and maintain that Canadian capability for shipbuilding, while we're dealing at the same time with a changed world with the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Everybody always forgets that Canada is an Arctic neighbour of Russia.