Thank you, Mr. Kusmierczyk.
With that we've come to the end of our questions. I would like to thank the witnesses for your appearance and testimony today.
Professor Choi, thank you for your insight. It's greatly appreciated.
Admiral Norman, I would like to publicly thank you for your service to this country. Thank you for being with us today. On a personal note, Admiral, I would ask you if you wouldn't mind passing on my best wishes and hellos to your father, General Norman, and your mother.
Thank you, and I thank them for their service to this country.
With that, the public portion of our meeting is now complete.
We will now proceed to the in camera portion of the meeting.
I'm about to suspend the meeting.
As members of the committee know, you'll have to go offline if you're on Zoom and then come back on using the logo and identifications that were on the form that was sent to you.
That said, I will suspend the meeting temporarily.
[Proceedings continue in camera]