As far as I know, no. Neither of those FREMMS, that I'm aware of, have that capability, though I imagine it could be installed with a lot of additional hardware, software and firmware additions.
With regard to your second question on bringing these ships into water quicker, one of the things I like to say is that the best time to maintain a constant, ready shipbuilding capability was 20 or 30 years ago, and the second best time is now. We are in a state where we have a process set up, albeit it's not ideal and could be better. The other witnesses have gone into way more detail about this than I will, but essentially one of the quicker or more obvious solutions to me is to split the build between two yards.
There are drawbacks and benefits to that. The benefit is that you would get the ships in the water more quickly—at least all of them more quickly—and then the cost incurred from inflation due to the quicker build will be reduced. The downside is that you're repeating the learning curve across two shipyards, so each shipyard ends up actually charging more per ship on average, and this may or may not cancel the benefits of reduced inflation costs.