It has been implemented into some of the process, and I think that's within the indigenous participation plans. In a lot of government, there is no standard procedure right now, or a threshold for that, but with some of the bigger contracts, there is an indigenous participation plan that's included within it. Within that participation plan, they talk about community investment and they talk about employment and subcontracting opportunities, and they are awarded points for that.
The evaluation of that has to happen with all of them. I know that the federal government.... Again, there should be a threshold. It shouldn't be just at the discretion of the contracting authority as to whether or not to include an indigenous participation plan. I think that's very valuable, because that does give the smaller ones.... It's also, as Chief Bernard was talking about with the community investment within these participation plans, that they will go into the community. They might help with building a school or building a park. It is happening more. They are seeing it more.
That's why some of our corporate members are also hoping that the federal government would recognize our certified indigenous businesses, because they are working with those businesses, and that could be included within their indigenous participation plan results.