Thank you, and thank you for the compliments for CCIB. I would also like to recognize our president and CEO, Tabatha Bull, who is actually sitting right behind me. She should have been up here. I think a lot of our success has been a result of the great leadership that she's brought forward to CCIB.
As indigenous people, quite often we don't want to brag about ourselves. It's hard for us to promote and brag. I think we at CCIB need to be doing that. We need to showcase, because you can see the success and the growth and what indigenous businesses have done. It's a little bit frustrating sometimes when people say, “Oh, I worked with an indigenous business, and I did that.” Well, why do you think we can't do that? Unfortunately, that is sort of the perception.
So much media attention, whenever indigenous people are involved, is negative, just like with indigenous procurement. A lot of these occasions when people have taken advantage of it are showcased. That gets the bites. That's what people look at. I think we should always be celebrating. We do that through our award systems at CCIB.
I've had some of great friends. Chief Bernard was talking about John Bernard. I was working with John in the 1990s. He's been one of our indigenous leaders. He's actually won a lifetime achievement award through CCIB for entrepreneurship.
It's so uplifting for our young people to see someone that looks like them succeeding, having a nice car, having a nice house and sharing and giving them opportunities. At any time, we should focus a lot more on success as opposed to failure, and I think indigenous procurement is a means of success.
Look at the Bouchier Group. It's a privately held company. They gave a million dollars away to charities this year. They employ 40% indigenous people from 80 communities around the country.
We can take care of ourselves, you know. If, all of a sudden, you decide to drop this, well, bad on you, but we are still going to succeed. As indigenous people, we've been knocked down and opportunities have been taken away from us so often, but we are resilient and we're going to keep going.
I think we do need to showcase our success. There are incredible businesses. I am so proud. I think I'm one of the luckiest people. I travel across the country working with indigenous businesses. We have round tables talking about this, and innovation. If you look at the defence sector, there are so many new, upcoming, innovative...that provide so many great things.
We are hosting an indigenous procurement event in Edmonton on October 16. We have four certified indigenous businesses that are going to be showcasing the innovation they bring. Some of the stuff they bring is actually going to help corporate Canada. They can sell some carbon capture points. I don't know what all that is, but the innovation that indigenous businesses are bringing is incredible. We're going to showcase that.
We're also going to showcase our aboriginal procurement champions, who are doing a lot to help indigenous businesses. We're also going to be talking about government procurement.
We welcome anyone to join. It's going to be a great event. We just need to promote and showcase that we are successful and that there's a lot to be proud of.