Thank you very much.
It's extremely difficult to ease the regulatory burden of a country like Canada. Many reforms have been attempted in various circumstances and have met with mixed success. Here, more particularly, certain initiatives have worked, while others have not. For example, there was the implementation of the “one for one rule”, under which regulatory authorities are required to remove one existing rule for every new rule. It has never really been possible to apply the rule effectively on a large scale. However, other measures have resulted in cultural changes at certain departments. One of those measures was the small business lens, under which regulatory authorities use a checklist to increase awareness of the impact their actions have on small and medium-size businesses.
That being said, the regulatory burden has been a major issue for Canadian regulatory authorities since the 1980s. Early on, Canada established many administrative measures to reduce that burden on individuals and businesses.
The leading tool used to provide regulatory relief and improve regulations is the regulatory impact analysis, which is mandatory for every new regulation and regulatory change likely to have a significant impact in Canada. Canada is a good regulatory impact practitioner. The regulatory impact analysis statement, or RIAS, combines many tools that are used to control regulatory creep and ease any undue regulatory burden on Canada's economy and society. Those tools include cost-benefit analyses, public stakeholder consultations, a supervisory body and checklists.
Cost-benefit analyses estimate net regulatory benefits that are equal to the difference between the costs of those benefits and the benefits themselves. Public consultations are sectoral in nature and involve the principal parties affected or concerned by the regulations in question. They provide a forum where all parties may speak out and express their views to regulatory authorities. The RIAS process is spearheaded by the Treasury Board Secretariat, which ensures the quality and rigour of the analyses conducted and a degree of cross-government uniformity.
Among the checklists included in the RIAS are a small business lens, provisions concerning co‑operation and harmonization of intergovernmental regulations, and measures to facilitate the incorporation by reference of international regulatory frameworks. These elements respond directly to certain objectives of this committee, particularly those cited in points (a) and (c).
Consequently, we already have tools in place, considerable experience and more than 25 years of administrative data on regulatory relief and improvement in Canada, but much progress needs to be made. First, not all departments are capable of conducting comprehensive impact analyses. Second, not all cost-benefit analyses are reported using the same units, which complicates comparisons and estimates of the total cost of regulations. As for consultations, the ones that have the greatest impact are, in many cases, the most exclusive ones conducted upstream and involving handpicked stakeholders. Lastly, it can be difficult to determine how successful the checklists are as they aren't necessarily associated with specific or ascertainable results.
In addition, efforts to provide regulatory relief often boil down to adding certain procedures to others. If corporate accountability can be simplified, that often complicates the regulatory process as such. If you want to require less of businesses yet remain a leader in meeting Canadians needs for security, environmental protection, food safety and public health, someone somewhere will have to do the work. If you want to require less of businesses, the government itself will have to gather the information it needs to secure a safe and predictable environment for Canadians. However, that may result in deadweight losses because businesses have easier access to the information needed to develop good rules in Canada.
Consequently, if the government wishes to modernize its regulatory process, it has many tools at its disposal to determine what and where the problems are, whether it be through frequent interactions among regulatory authorities and regulated parties or by relying on the expertise we have acquired from nearly 40 years of regulatory impact analyses.