Can you provide that answer? If I want to go back and look at the number of projects that were granted, whether they got a grant or loans, under each one of those priorities, that would be really appreciated.
I understand the process you went through and the audit that was done. The audit process was focused on understanding how they can bring synergy, going from a decentralized system to a centralized system, supported by sufficient resources with the skill sets that are needed to be able to manage all of this. I got that. I also understand that there were a number of recommendations made and that you're working on them.
What took me aback a bit, when you were asked about the outcome, was that you said you did not look at the outcome. Did you did not look at the outcome because it was not part of the mandate of the audit, or is there is a separate audit that needs to be processed to look at the outcome?
I ask that question mainly because, at the end of the day, regardless of the priority and regardless of the program, there must be an outcome by which we could measure how successful we are. In the case of pollution, I would assume the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions would be something we would want to measure as an outcome. Can you comment on that?