There are a couple of things, Minister. You mentioned the law. Canada has the weakest whistle-blower laws in the OECD. For five years the government has sat on its hands and done nothing.
Recently there was a situation where whistle-blowers were actually exposed. This sums up the Canadian whistle-blower experience. Two whistle-blowers with the CRA were actually outed by the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner. The very gentleman who is supposed to protect whistle-blowers outed whistle-blowers.
What is going to be done about that? Why has it been five years with no legislation?
You asked me what my recommendations are. This committee put through very specific items to put in. The government could bring them in in a week. Why has this not been done? Why is the very person charged with protecting whistle-blowers exposing whistle-blowers? What is the government going to do to protect those specific whistle-blowers?