Absolutely. We are implementing the Accessible Canada Act and the strategy, “Nothing Without Us”. This strategy was developed with persons with disabilities. They developed a road map to increase their recruitment, but also their retention. They're working on several initiatives, such as creating a welcoming and adaptive workplace and making sure that the accommodations provided allow them to remain in the workplace.
There is the GC accessibility passport that has been put in place. It is a tool that streamlines the accommodation process and brings in a new culture. It also allows people to move from one department to another and have that passport follow them, instead of starting over every time they get a new job.
There are also other initiatives, such as the neurodiversity recruitment pilot in FINTRAC that is being put in place with Shared Services Canada and the Public Service Commission. There is a lending library service pilot with Shared Services Canada that also works on digital access.
A lot is being done.