Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We did in fact receive the information about the cancellation of the witnesses' attendance, at 8:53 this morning. I was prepared. I had spent last night, and part of the day before, preparing. I read everything. I went back over the testimony from the last meetings to make sure I had not forgotten anything. I spent several hours doing that, and I read the proceedings published in Hansard since August 20 with fascination.
That said, I also understand the need to meet with Mr. Clark. On that point, I am going to move an amendment that I hope will satisfy the people on both sides of this table.
I hope that this motion will enable us, as responsible adults worthy of our office, to agree to Mr. Clark appearing for one hour, while allowing the opportunity to hear the witnesses' testimony. I am sure that I am not the only one who had prepared for the committee's meetings. We don't do our preparation between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning, as a rule, so I am sure that my colleagues have all prepared.
This is the amendment I have drafted, which has been submitted to the clerk. I hope my translation will be adequate.
I move the following:
Given the letter received today from Tom Clark the committee hear from Tom Clark for 1 hour and that, after his appearing, the committee asks the clerk to begin to write the report in order to table that report to the House of Commons as soon as possible and that, according to article 109 of the Rules, the Committee ask an answer from the Government. Finally, that the Committee hears the witnesses as scheduled before the annulment received at 8:53 this morning, November 7th, 2024.
What I am trying to do with this motion is have the opportunity to hear the testimony of the witnesses who were scheduled to appear. I also want to have the opportunity to delve further into the issues we wanted to raise with these witnesses, while still having the opportunity to meet with Mr. Clark for one hour, as mentioned earlier. I would also like us to be able to submit the report as soon as possible. I am trying to split the apple, the pear, the melon—choose your fruit—to satisfy everyone now around the table.
I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and sometimes good intentions are not taken into consideration. However, I hope this will fall on both wide open ears and minds, as is usually the case. We work well together in this committee, and I hope that practice will continue.
I am going to stop here so we can move on to the vote as quickly as possible.
Thank you.