The motion has been moved, and it has been distributed. However, if members would like it read again, then the motion is as follows:
That the committee call on Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, to immediately resign from cabinet and that this call be reported to the House.
Conservatives and, I believe, all other opposition parties are calling on the Prime Minister to remove Randy Boissonnault from cabinet. This is the minister who pretended to be indigenous and who told the House of Commons that he had a Cree great-grandmother, which he now admits is false. He has made all sorts of contradictory claims about his identity, and the Liberal Party said that he was indigenous at various times in the past.
This is a minister who engaged in indigenous identity fraud, and he did it perhaps for a variety of reasons, but one of which enabled the company he owned to claim that it was indigenous while bidding for contracts from the government that he is also a part of. He's a minister. He owns a company as well, and that company was bidding for contracts from the Liberal government. He was claiming to be indigenous, and the company was claiming to be indigenous-owned, but neither of those things were true. This was designed to advance the commercial interests of his company and to make himself wealthier.
That is the definition of corruption. It's identity fraud. It's corruption. It's lying about his identity in order to steal resources that should be going to real indigenous entrepreneurs and to real indigenous communities. If that's not the type of serious offence that leads to someone being removed from cabinet, then I don't know what is.
Mr. Chair, we have five Liberal members sitting across the way who tried to prevent me from moving this motion. None of them are in cabinet. I'm sure all of them would like to be in cabinet, yet Randy Boissonnault remains around that cabinet table despite his outrageous, offensive conduct.
The questions today are these: Are we going to be able to pass this motion? Are we going to see the Liberals who were passed over in favour of Randy Boissonnault filibuster to defend this corrupt pretender, or are we going to see this committee be able to get to a vote on this motion?
I hope we're able to get to a vote on this motion so that we can send a clear message that indigenous identity fraud is serious. It's wrong, and it's been done in this case in order to advance the commercial private interests of a minister of the Crown. This is deplorable stuff. The minister must be fired. I hope we will be able to get to a vote quickly so that this minister will be fired and a clear message will be sent to the House on this. Once we get to a vote, all committee members will no doubt be able to proceed with other things, so let's get this done.
Thank you, Chair.