That's not true. Let me display for you some of the evidence that comes from your own department.
First of all, there's the ATIP that was the subject of the November 5 story that was published, in which you are the current CNGNY HOM, as follows:
The current CNGNY HOM expressed concerns regarding the completion of and refurbishment project and indicated the unit was not suitable to be the [consul general's] accommodations and it does not have an ideal floorplan for [consul general] representational activities.
That's not what you said when you were here last time. You were asked pointedly. One of the Liberal members helpfully asked, “Did you at any time talk to anyone regarding a desire for relocation?” You replied, “Never.”
We know now that's not true. We know, in fact, that you did make the comments. You just didn't know that it was captured in official briefing notes. You knew that you had made the comments. You just didn't know that you got caught. Isn't that right?