This morning, I was speaking with someone from an indigenous business. We talked about the phenomenon of using fronts, meaning a non-indigenous business joins forces with an indigenous business. The indigenous business is happy with the arrangement because it can be a springboard for opportunities as a supplier in its own right. However, the indigenous business eventually realizes that it was merely a front and no longer has any recourse.
Once the contract is signed, the indigenous business gets a pittance, even though it is providing support. It could be asked to perform lowly tasks, well below what it could be doing. In some cases, the value of the contract might increase, with, say, 20 positions being added, but the indigenous business doesn't get access to any of those jobs.
In a situation like that, where a contract is based on an economic or financial alliance between a non-indigenous business and an indigenous business, how do you make sure both receive equal treatment under the contract? How do you make sure the indigenous business isn't being used as a front?