Thank you.
It's very critical because, for example, when an analyst comes in, I would say it takes six months to a year before they're up to speed. Two of our lawyers are LP-01s. They're fairly new. Even the ones who are more experienced are new to our work. I'm subject to being corrected by Brian, but I would say it takes six months to a year before they're fully effective, so retention is really critical to us.
We are a rather frugal group, and it may be that we should be looking at some higher levels to make sure that we can retain the knowledge that is gained in PSIC. In terms of specialized expertise, given our size, most of us are wearing double hats, triple hats and quadruple hats because we don't have the luxury of having specialists in just about anything. That is a challenge.
It's my understanding that before my arrival, outside expertise was consulted on occasion. It makes some investigations more challenging for our investigators who are not specialists in certain areas, and it limits how deeply we can go into some of these things, because we just don't have that level of expertise.
Yes, more adequate funding would definitely enable us to do more effective investigations into specialized areas.