That's an excellent question, Mr. Housefather.
It's really good seeing you again. It was good to see you at the great announcement earlier this week with respect to the extension of the Griffon helicopters. I want to thank you in particular for your planned engagement with the industry. It has been greatly appreciated. I've talked about that collaboration and making sure that we're keeping in touch and talking, and you in particular have been very good at that. Thank you.
The announcement on Monday was great. As I said in my opening remarks, during the pandemic, we saw some pretty high job losses on the civil side. We talked quite a bit with government to make sure that government procurement on the defence side kept moving forward. We were pretty pleased with some of those measures that were put in place there.
Again, timeliness is a huge issue that we need to see improved. That's a long-standing issue that's out there.
These announcements are very positive signals, that are creating jobs, keeping jobs and also building capacity and capability. It's incredibly important to see these procurements moving forward and these announcements. We hope to see more of them in very short order.
Again, it goes back to the need for that overarching aerospace strategy. I think that's the one area we could really improve upon, making more certainty and more predictability.