Thank you. I'm hoping you'll come forward with some amounts soon to rapidly scale up safer supply.
In terms of the toxic drug crisis that continues to take lives of Canadians each day across all walks of life, you may be aware that legislation has recently been passed in the Ontario legislature to require workplaces, that are at risk of a worker opioid overdose, to have naloxone kits on site and within the vicinity of a worker trained in their use. Naloxone is a medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and allow time for medical help to arrive.
Has Treasury Board conducted an evaluation of the risk of opioid-related overdoses for workers employed within different sectors of the federal public service, and does Treasury Board have a policy regarding naloxone placement and training in federal workplaces?
If not, will you do that? I've had some political staffers, even from the Liberal Party, who have had opioid and substance use-related disorders, and they've cited that this wasn't on site and needs to be.