Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Giroux and Mr. Penney.
The motion is as follows:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertakes a study of the expenditure of nearly $100,000 in public funds for the Governor General of Canada for catering services during an eight day tour of the Middle East in March 2022; and that the committee invites the Governor General to appear before the committee for a period of two (2) hours on or before June 23, 2022; that if the Governor General is unable to appear before the committee herself, she appoint a member of her office who shall have the necessary authority to answer the questions of the members of the committee.
I know we cannot summon the Governor General as a witness. It violates protocol, and I understand that very well. That is why the motion refers to an invitation and the possibility that a member of her office appear to explain this expenditure of public funds if the Governor General does not wish to or cannot appear before the committee.
As I recall, we are talking about two lunches and three breakfasts that cost about $80,000. That does not include alcohol, other meals or hotel bills. That is a large amount of money. I know very well we are talking about the Governor General. While people all across Quebec and Canada have to tighten their belts and spend $150 or $200 for two small bags of groceries that are barely enough to feed a family, I find this excessive. We are talking about taxpayers' money. So it would be appropriate to know the reason for these expenditures.