Why does it take so long to just simply track that? Again, it's been four years and three months. If you were in the private sector and someone said, “You know, you've got four years and two month to get this done”, you would have had it done. Why is it that four years and three months later, we're still implementing?
I look at your “2022 to 2023 Departmental Plan” and “Percentage of participation in procurement processes by Indigenous suppliers”, and of course it goes back several years. For 2018-19, it's “Not available”; 2019-20, “Not available”; 2020-21. The “2022 to 2023 Target” is 11%, but it says “This target has been established in accordance with the following baseline data” as a guess of what it was for previous periods.
You have unlimited resources, it seems. You've added thousands and thousands of bodies to PSPC. It's a priority. It was recommended by this committee. It's a priority from this government in the mandate letters. Why does it take so long to get done?
I'll be blunt here. I'm doubting the sincerity of PSPC's desire to actually get this done if we're seeing four years and three months and you're just now kicking off an action plan.