First, Mr. Chair, I was hoping that this amendment would be an amicable one. I've given it to the clerk, and he can't disseminate it until it's translated. I'm not going to be able to draft it and translate it in five minutes. That's not plausible or possible right now.
I listened carefully to what my fellow members had to say.
My point was that Mr. Johnston was the governor general for a long time, not just in 2015 and 2016. The trips he took in 2010 and 2011 may be particularly relevant. It's not just that the governor general is linked to this government or that government. Former governor general Johnston took trips in different years, so we may not necessarily want to look at the expenses for two years in a row.
What isn't difficult to put together is the list of trips the governors general took. My understanding is that information on trips taken in previous years is located in more than one place. The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General has a fairly small team, so its capacity to find all this information for the committee is limited.
The date for producing the documents should be postponed until January because they can't be produced by October 31. It is possible, however, to provide the information related to the 2022 expenses and the list of trips, of course.
Then, the committee can decide whether it wishes to review the information for each year. That would be up to the committee. My preference would be to look at two years for each governor general. Once the committee sees the list of trips, it may not be unreasonable for the committee to decide that it wants to look at Mr. Johnston's expenses for 2011 and 2012, instead of 2015 and 2016. It's really everything, because the other expenses, generally speaking, don't change from year to year, except for international travel.
If the honourable member wants the list of international and domestic trips, I'm fine with that, as long as the supporting documents we request pertain solely to international trips for those years.