That's also a great question.
I think it was brought to our attention, so it wasn't something we were expecting to study; it was simply something that came across our review. When we were doing our three lines of inquiry, we did notice that in many competitive solicitations there was only one successful supplier. We started to analyze why that would be, and we boiled it down to a question of simplification.
The primary answer is that the process is so complicated that it doesn't really incentivize competition. But the second reason—and this is something we have also heard—is that suppliers, particularly in service contracts where there is an incumbent, typically are not interested in participating in the process because they find it very time-consuming and believe that the incumbent has an advantage, and therefore don't participate in the process. While that hasn't been fully vetted, those were our suspicions as to why we were seeing that high number of single bids in competitive processes.