I will, absolutely.
At the beginning of the pandemic, our country didn't have enough supply of personal protective equipment, and we struggled to procure supplies during a time of high global demand. The government encouraged Canadian industries to help meet the need for these products, and many small and medium-sized enterprises began producing PPE.
These businesses invested in setting up shop, creating innovative products like more breathable and sustainable masks and respirators, and employing Canadians. Sadly, many of these businesses have since shut down or are at risk of closing because the government awarded contracts to multinationals instead of supporting this emerging domestic industry.
I'll give you an example. Dave Brimacombe, who owns Wayward Distillery in Courtenay in my riding, is a retired veteran who works very hard. He donated $75,000 of PPE hand sanitizer to local health workers and to first responders. He donated that. Later a subcontractor through Loblaws contracted him to provide it. Then Canada started bringing in a foreign supply of hand sanitizer, and it flooded the market and drove the cost down. Then the Loblaws supplier suddenly cancelled the contract after they had asked him to scale up. He ended up eating the $400,000 on his own after he came to the rescue of Canadians.
I think it's in our national interest to ensure that we have a resilient PPE industry here. We know that new variants of COVID-19 still remain a threat and we must be prepared for future pandemics. If Canada does not prepare its own PPE industry, there's a risk that it will disappear. We need to ensure that we're prepared for national security.
I believe it would be a good use of this committee's time to hear from domestic PPE manufacturers about the state of the industry and the barriers they faced in the federal procurement process. I believe this committee could do some valuable and timely work making recommendations on how procurement practices can better support this important domestic industry.
I'm going to read the motion. The motion is:
That pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a study on the role of federal procurement in fostering a resilient domestic personal protective equipment industry; that the committee have no less than three meetings to hear from witnesses; that the committee request testimony from the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, any relevant government officials, and industry representatives; that the committee report its recommendations to the House and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, it request that the government table a detailed response to the report.
Thank you.