Well, I will move on with another question for you.
In your opening statement, you said that in 12 years we've fallen from third to 32nd in the UN's assessment of digital government. We're obviously going in the wrong direction in regard to what you would say needs to happen with government becoming a digital government.
I agree with you, especially when I think about what we heard in earlier testimony in regard to the procurement of the ArriveCAN app, knowing that there were three companies identified as the companies that could potentially do this. Then I was surprised to hear that a company like GC Strategies, which subcontracts all the work for an application, took a cut of somewhere between 15% to 30%, and we cannot get any information on the subcontracting. That is deeply concerning to me, because governments need to be transparent and accountable when it comes to the expenditures of Canadians' money.
I guess I would also say that this undoubtedly increases the price of the contracts to government. Not only do we not have access to who these contractors are, but now we also know it's costing more.
I'm wondering if you believe the government can create an effective in-house capability or, at the very least, if they should be contracting with IT firms that can do the work themselves in order to save the taxpayers' money.