I will hold you to that.
Good afternoon, everybody. As mentioned, my name is Jennifer Carr, and I am the president of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. Today with me is Jordan McAuley, who is our expert on government outsourcing, to assist me in answering your questions this afternoon.
The Professional Institute represents 72,000 public service professionals across Canada, mostly in the federal jurisdiction.
Last October I testified before this committee. I thank you again for recognizing the Professional Institute as a leading subject matter expert on contracting out. We have prepared several reports on this critical matter, and we are available at any time to discuss our findings with you.
Over a year ago, a contract to McKinsey around the Phoenix pay system also made the news and opened up refreshed questions about the increase in government outsourcing. For years, we have seen the government over-rely on costly outsourcing. McKinsey is just one of the latest examples.
To summarize our position, work that is contracted out impacts the security of the government's IT systems and results in higher costs and a lower quality of services to Canadians. It's less transparent and less accountable. There is a loss of institutional knowledge and skills, and this hurts the ability of the government to recruit and retain the professionals it needs. Not investing in the public service costs taxpayers more and delivers less.
The contracts awarded to McKinsey are not only unnecessary and scandalous, given the dubious relevance and the quality of the advice they provided, they are just the tip of the iceberg. While the present government is now rightfully facing criticism on this issue, it is not a new problem. Previous governments of all stripes have invested ever-increasing amounts on contracting out.
Years of unchecked spending on government outsourcing by these various governments have created a shadow public service of consultants and temporary staff operating alongside the government workforce. This shadow public service plays by an entirely different set of rules. They are not hired based on merit, representation, fairness or transparency. They are not subject to budget restraints or hiring freezes, and they are not accountable to the Canadian public, yet, year after year, the federal government continues to make costly decisions on outsourcing. The Professional Institute alone has filed over 2,500 grievances where work was outsourced to this shadow public service.
To better situate outsourcing to McKinsey in the broader context of the use of consultants in the federal public service, I would like to provide you with some key numbers that we want to bring to your attention.
I will let Mr. McAuley describe the overall trends.