Thank you, Mr. Chair.
For full disclosure, my background is management consulting. The question I'm about to ask is intended to demystify a number of terminologies that have been used and thrown around. Then it will lead into a question.
Mr. Thompson, we talked about a number of concepts, such as benchmarking, analytics and data, and I'll throw KPI in there as well. The way I understand how things work is that when an organization is going through a transformation with the intention of improving its processes and policies, it will look at jurisdictions and at the data that exists. Then that data is compared with the data that's gathered within the organization. It compares it, and then it can run analytics. Those data are usually gathered around key performance indicators. Then transformation road maps are developed.
Is my understanding of how we've used the terminology of benchmark, data and analytics correct in the context of the last hour and a half that we've been talking?