I can answer both of those questions.
For a practice review, as I mentioned, when we structured the five-year review, we took the information that was already being provided to our office. Perhaps a person might not be within the mandate to file a review of complaint because a year or 60 days had gone by and they were no longer able to bring a complaint, or they didn't want to file with the International Trade Tribunal. Nonetheless, we take the complaint and try to resolve it informally.
However, we also categorize it based on the issue. Feeling that you were unfairly overlooked, not being provided with a debrief, or feeling that questions were unclear are examples of issues that were brought to our attention. We categorize those, and each year we identify the top 10 in a list. When we created that top-10 list, as I mentioned, we brought it to the attention of parliamentarians by way of our annual report.
When I became ombudsman, it felt very unsatisfying to simply leave it as identifying these issues. That's why we developed these three lines of inquiry to focus on addressing and validating some of these concerns. As I mentioned, we're not through all 17 of the reviews, but we have some preliminary data that I could share with the committee on how valuable and valid some of those complaints to our offices are.