All big consulting firms have to be very effective at marketing their services. They have thousands of people and need a constant revenue stream in keeping all these folks busy.
McKinsey kind of stands out as being extremely prestigious and having created this kind of top-dog situation that they're able to exploit to maintain that status. They have, as I've indicated, very close relationships with all kinds of senior people and decision-makers and with governments and corporations around the world. They have a very active and effective alumni system, whereby anyone who has ever been a McKinsey employee is now in this ecosytem, this massive network that's extraordinarily well connected, and who, because of that, is also on a kind of escalator towards other senior positions, because that network is used actively by headhunters and so on.
It's the kind of situation where the guy at the top of the hill is able to stand off everybody else and use their position to maintain that.