That's an excellent question. I will specifically mention those concerns because it's important that exact information be provided.
The contract was awarded on June 3, 2020, for a value of $452,000, by Innovation, Science and Economic Development, ISED. I'll just read the concerns as we reported them in our report, if you don't mind.
Under "Bid evaluation process”, and this is again general,
A significant numbers of files had issues with the bid evaluation procedures resulting in contracts being wrongly awarded or bidders incorrectly being found non-compliant.
and then,
In one file, for economic analysis services, the solicitation had 5 mandatory and 5 point rated criteria and a basis of selection of highest combined rating of technical merit and price. Two bids were received. A 3-person bid evaluation team conducted the technical evaluation and determined that both bids met all mandatory criteria and exceeded the minimum points requirement for point rated criteria. The contracting authority then completed the evaluation process by conducting the financial evaluation which determined the lower [ranking] technical [bidder] was ranked 1st overall based on its lower price and superior financial score. After the results were shared with the bid evaluation team, the technical authority said he was concerned that they may have overlooked something in the mandatory criteria and wanted to re-evaluate the 1st overall ranked bid. The contracting authority initially told the evaluators 'unfortunately, since the financial evaluation has been completed and we had already come to a consensus on the technical evaluation we cannot go back now.' The response from one of the evaluators stated he would be 'happy to delete the financial evaluation email.' Ultimately, ISED did revise its evaluation of the 1st ranked [bidder] and deemed it non-compliant for not meeting all mandatory criteria. While some aspects of the procurement process were well documented, there was a significant shortcoming with respect to documentation [on] the decision to allow the evaluators to change their evaluation of the 1st ranked bid after they learned the results of the process. The actions taken and ultimate results of this evaluation process leave ISED open to the perception that this contract was not awarded in a fair [open] and transparent manner.
We made an associated recommendation that ISED
should update its procurement guidance and training and implement an oversight process and review mechanisms to ensure that evaluations are carried out in accordance with the planned approach specified in the solicitation, and that contracts are not awarded to non-compliant bidders.
As you can imagine, the context is slightly different. We were not focused on suppliers when doing these reviews; we were focused exclusively on the practices of the department.
I can provide the second example if you'd like.
The second example is for a contract with IRCC, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. This was a contract worth $1,593,000 awarded pursuant to the TSPS supply arrangement. It was for a service transformation strategy road map. The issue here is,
Mandatory criteria were inadequately defined, and were not limited to the essential qualifications.
In 1file for expert advice [relating] to a transformation strategy that was subject to the North American Free Trade Agreement...and the World Trade Organization...on Government Procurement...a mandatory criteria required bidders to demonstrate experience in 4 transformation studies 'where the Bidder was not involved with the implementation of the solution.' Both NAFTA and the WTO-AGP require that the conditions for participation by suppliers in tendering procedures are 'limited to those that are essential to ensure the fulfilment of the contract in question.' In this case, it is unclear why a bidder's involvement in the 'implementation of the solution' would be considered a necessary exclusion. IRCC received numerous comments from interested suppliers regarding the restrictive nature of [this] criteria. The criteria was not changed and the solicitation process resulted in only 1 compliant bid with the bidder receiving a perfect score in the technical evaluation.