Sure. It's a pretty lengthy answer, but if you will bear with me, I will provide it.
We establish the criteria for the five-year review based on the issues brought to my office. One of the members of the committee identified the top issue. We looked at those issues, and they seemed to be repetitive in nature.
When I first joined the office I said that just reporting about these issues was insufficient. What more could we do as an office? As a result, we leveraged our mandate by converting those issues into lines of inquiry. We hoped to review the top 20 departments and agencies within the federal department in terms of value and volume by looking at those top 10 issues.
Unfortunately or fortunately, the Treasury Board contracting policy was sunsetted during that time frame, so the rules changed and it no longer made sense to pursue the final three. We have done 17 reviews now of these departments and agencies.
In terms of methodology, our scope is relatively clear, so it's competitive contracts that we have been looking at. There are exclusions: Any directed contract, acquisition card activity or activity in which the department is not the contracting authority would be immediately be out of our scope.
We looked at a sample of 40 files in those instances. In those 40 files, we took the top 10 in terms of value and we took the bottom 10 in terms of value. We took some that used PSPC methods of supply and then we had it randomized, so it was a judgmental sample. Once we finished with the judgmental sample, we would ask to receive documentation from the department. Then the sample would be identified from the documentation provided.
The next step would be that after we reviewed each file meticulously, we would offer preliminary observations to the departments themselves. The department would then have the opportunity to explain some of those preliminary observations and provide additional material if necessary, and then we would continue on with the review.
The next phase would be a 30-working-day period during which the department can comment on any recommendation. We often divide that 30-working-day period into two parts, with a 20-day review period and a 10-day review period to allow the working level to receive the first draft in the first 20 days. Then in the final 10-day period, it goes to the deputy for comment.
Once those comments are received, we then finalize the report. Once the report is finalized, it will be shared with the minister pursuant to the legislation and the regulations. Then we publish the report on our website and we push out the information in our reports on our social media account.