There are a number of things that we're doing. The deputy mentioned some of the training opportunities we've had through the digital app, and we have now added more than 160 IT staff. We continue to add people at a pace that we've not seen in order to process more cases, but we're also constantly tinkering with our processes to reduce the burden on each case and then making sure that we provide opportunities for our staff to become familiar with the expectations we have as we make these different policy changes.
An organization is only as good as its people. We need to continue to set our people up for success by providing training opportunities and professional growth opportunities, so that people see a future for themselves within the organization. This comes through routine training types of opportunities, but it also comes from policy decisions at the government level to potentially give longer runways for the department to plan, which can give security to people who will know they have a job for more than a year or two so they can actually see that opportunity for professional advancement. There's no silver bullet when it comes to creating a corporate culture to maximize productivity, but investing in people and creating opportunities for short-term growth and a longer-sighted future with the department is part of the equation.