CBSA was created in 2003 out of different departments. In its initial years, it was focused on integrating the various functions into the one workforce. Around 2011 or 2012, it became clear that the systems and processes were quickly becoming out of date, as other countries digitized their borders or had plans to digitize their borders and digitize their revenue collection. Next to CRA, CBSA collects the most revenue on behalf of the Government of Canada. It was facing a changing landscape and also increasing travel volumes without a consequential increase in its budget and a recognition that it needed to look at its efficiencies.
It was in that context that the business cases were done, one for the revenue collection function and the other for the quite separate and different traveller experience functions. Two separate business cases were done for the CBSA, both of which are being implemented. There have been budget allocations. Additional public servants have been hired to help with the implementation of each of those processes. I'm not sure if that gets at your question, but that's the work that's been under way as a result of the contracts that McKinsey has been paid to do.