Minister, across the country, thousands of people have died from a toxic drug crisis, including young people. Two 17-year-olds died yesterday in my community of Port Alberni from the toxic drug crisis. Family members, workers and loved ones are dying because of the toxic opioids that are on our streets.
We learned that McKinsey & Company received millions of dollars from your government, as we know. This is a company that settled on an $800-million lawsuit for their role in the opioid epidemic in the United States. What's the threshold for your government for companies that have been embroiled in scandal?
I'm not going to put all of the toxic drug crisis on McKinsey, because your government has taken an incremental approach to this health crisis. Incrementalism kills when it comes to a health crisis. The Conservatives spread misinformation. Misinformation kills people in a deadly health crisis as well.
I want to know what your threshold is.