Thank you.
I am so sorry that happened to you, Ms. Vignola. I was not aware.
I think each committee manages its own affairs in certain respects. As Mr. Kusmiercyk said, I hope everyone will defend the rights of colleagues from other parties when there is a lack of respect like that.
What I wanted to say to what Gord said is I agree. With respect to speaking at a committee, you clearly need to have the headset and be appropriately ready. However, for voting, I think we've all been at committees where people have done this. Even in the House, people have done this. This is a perfectly acceptable vote to indicate how you want to vote. That's always been the rule. It would be completely unfair for this one committee to have a different rule from every other committee, where I've seen on multiple occasions people vote like this.
That, I think, is the issue. It's not about whether they speak; it's the vote.