Good afternoon, everyone.
I call the meeting to order. Welcome to meeting number 55 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, a.k.a. the mighty OGGO.
For today's meeting we are doing the hybrid format, as usual.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the House of Commons on February 15, 2023, the committee is meeting for its study of the supplementary estimates (C), 2022-23: vote 1c under Department of Public Works and Government Services, vote 1c under Privy Council Office, vote 1c under Public Service Commission, and votes 1c, 10c and 30c under Treasury Board Secretariat.
As everyone is aware, we are missing a minister. I understand she is in the House for a bit, so I am proposing, with everyone's agreement, that we switch the order and start with the officials from the department. We will have no opening statement until the minister shows up.
We will go right to Ms. Kusie for six minutes.