Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I think I'm going to have amendments to propose, but first I want to better understand the framework here.
This proposes that “the analysts and the clerk be directed to prepare a brief report to the House”. Why would we be preparing a report to the House? I have no problem preparing a report to the committee, understanding exactly what the status is of all of the different documents and seeing where there's a problem, and then, if the committee understands that there's a problem, sending something perhaps to the House.
If Mrs. Block would be agreeable, instead of sending the report to “the House”, I would like to say instead that the analysts and clerk be directed to prepare a brief report to “the committee” outlining the material facts and status of the documents, so that we know what's actually happening. I had thought, at least in my crazy view, that everybody had now agreed to provide unredacted documents, so I'd like to understand which departments are not agreeing or what their status is.
I also don't agree with the part that says, “the draft report be considered by the committee in public”. I think, as usual, we should get the report and we should discuss it.
If Mrs. Block would agree to those two things, I think that would make me satisfied. I do think we should know, and then we could decide, based on what we know.
Again, I leave that to my friend. If that's okay, I would propose those two amendments, which would basically change “a brief report to the House” to “a brief report to the committee” and would take out “that the draft report be considered by the committee in public”.