Thank you.
Where we are in testing is that NextGen is finishing testing viability this spring. We have a couple of months of work to go. We are doing this with five pilot departments in a simulation. We are doing this with Indigenous Services Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Canada economic development agency of Quebec and Canadian Heritage. We are using their complexities and processing them through one of the vendors that was pre-qualified on NextGen to see if we can use a commercial-grade solution to process the pay for the federal government.
Learning out of that is viability and risk of error, but also the changes that we will have to make in the way we operate pay and HR in the government to be able to adopt such a solution. Millions of people are paid by these solutions around the world.
We have to learn what the gap is. It's not the gap in the capacity of these solutions to pay, but the gap in the capacity of the internal operation of government and our payrolls to be able to be processed by such a tool. The idea is to avoid having to own, design and build a tool that is customized to the need, rather than trying to migrate it to a measurement whereby we can leverage these tools that are performing really well in the market.
We should be in a position to conclude the testing validation this year and bring a recommendation about the conditions that change how we manage risk, how we manage a transition and what the imperative of minimizing the risk such a transition would be, so we are getting there.